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David "Opa" Marshall's Tips and Tricks #21
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Category MS Flight SimulatorsFlight Simulator 2004David "Opa" Marshall "Tips and Tricks!"
_DLP_SUBMITTEDBY Shadow_Bshwackr
Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:22 pm

Tips and Tricks Number 21 - April 2006 Edition. A great issue including "Making a backup DVD", Flying with a partner and the popular "From the E-Mail Bag!

This issue includes a brief introduction to online flying with a partner, as well as several new ideas to enhance your flying experience. Of special interest is a segment which explains how to make a backup DVD FS2004 installation disk, plus several other useful ideas and links to helpful utilities.

Included is the popular "From the E-Mail Bag" department which answers a question of general interest and a section describing an aircraft of Historical interest. There is even a Tip or two to help improve your relationship with the one who thinks you spend far too much time "flying".

As usual, I have attempted to provide something of value for everyone, regardless of your experience level. Please unzip to a temporary location, using the folders option. Compiled in .doc format for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.