about to drop the goodies
about to drop the goodies
_POTD_SUBON07-06-2011 06:38

JG300-Stoopy - 23-07-2011 05:16  
Hey there's been a pesky sub cruising around in the hangars and also some kinda misguided destroyer following it, can you drop a little 'something' that might take care of those guys? Twisted Evil

piney - 23-07-2011 05:52  
Stoopy's a spoilsport Laughing
Shadow_Bshwackr - 23-07-2011 06:57  
Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
JG300-Ascout - 23-07-2011 10:52  
The destroyer is a "friendly", let's not have any ugly blue-on-blue incidents.... Wink