Ukiah and Que... err... Clear Lake CA
Ukiah and Que... err... Clear Lake CA
_POTD_SUBON03-05-2015 08:11

siskens - 19-05-2015 13:16  
Shocked .....need some aspirin....?...
JG300-Stoopy - 19-05-2015 14:27  
The Ukiah Lions were the rivals for my high school football team, the Willits Wolverines. Twisted Evil
JG300-Ascout - 19-05-2015 14:39  
Awesome town, tried to secure employment there back doing the Jack Kerouac thing in '79. Have pics of Clear Lake and Hull Mt. from that trip. I guess the Doobie Bros. liked it tool. Wink
JG300-Stoopy - 19-05-2015 15:40  
Cripes we just missed each other, then! We moved from Willits down to.SoCal just a couple of years before that.

You might have stagnated, not a lot of work up there then and esp. now..

Need to educate myself on the doobie bros connection, but not surprised... Mr. Green
piney - 19-05-2015 16:10  
Old home week;-)