Goose chaser
Goose chaser
_POTD_SUBON09-08-2011 14:24

piney - 22-08-2011 05:08  
JG300-1Bullet - 22-08-2011 07:13  
Smile Smile
JG300-Ascout - 22-08-2011 11:55  
Somebody's new system is paying off big in screenshots. We may have to create a new "Fled POTD" category! Laughing

Uhu_Fledermaus - 22-08-2011 14:25  
Doug, when it meets your seal of approval I'm chuffed to bits
JG300-Ascout - 22-08-2011 16:43  
ALL your pics meet and exceed the JG300 Seal of Approval! Wink