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T-28 & T95
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:30 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Tumbleweed
I've heard that the T28 was later redesignated T95 but I thought the vehicle pictured here was T95.??????


Source afvdb.50megs.com/

Hi Tumble! Hi Folks!

You are correct on both vehicles!

I think the problem is do to the T-28 heavy tank > T-95 Assault Gun > T-28 super heavy tank being an 'ASSAULT GUN' while it was labeled T-95. Confused

The T-95 in your picture was a 'MEDIUM TANK'. Razz

There for it was OK to use that title again. Remember how many different items of equipment has been labeled M-1 by the U.S. Army. Sad

Spot report and my 2 cents.
Sgt, Scouts Out! Smile

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General G.S. Patton Jr.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:09 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:29 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- JeffStringer
Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! roll
Because the 'marketeers' got into it. The M-1 Tank, M-2 IFV, M-3 CFV were supposed to be the first of a new generation of armored vehicles and therefor the counter was reset. It's easier to hype it up when it is an easy to remember number.

Bob Smart (bsmart@xecu.net)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:32 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

...which makes me wonder how the Sheridan got such a stratospheric model number for an assault vehicle. M551? How the heck did that happen? Where do some of those numbers come from?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:43 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Doug_Kibbey
...which makes me wonder how the Sheridan got such a stratospheric model number for an assault vehicle. M551? How the heck did that happen? Where do some of those numbers come from?
Well lets look at others that came around about the same time

M548 (Cargo carrier version of M-113
M-577 (HQ version of M-113
M-578 (light ARV)
M-728 CEV
M-901 (Iterim TOW Vehicle)

Then we go into the stratus fear of 4 digit M numbers.

REseting the M series was probably a good idea but why not for all the Mummer based stuff, etc also?

Bob Smart (bsmart@xecu.net)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:45 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- bsmart
- JeffStringer
Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! roll
Because the 'marketeers' got into it. The M-1 Tank, M-2 IFV, M-3 CFV were supposed to be the first of a new generation of armored vehicles and therefor the counter was reset. It's easier to hype it up when it is an easy to remember number.

...Does that mean the FCS will be the M4 & M5. Now the WWII guys will get REALLY confused.....

Mr. Green

"Gonna hold my breath until Armor returns home..."
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:54 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Dontos
- bsmart
- JeffStringer
Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! roll
Because the 'marketeers' got into it. The M-1 Tank, M-2 IFV, M-3 CFV were supposed to be the first of a new generation of armored vehicles and therefor the counter was reset. It's easier to hype it up when it is an easy to remember number.

...Does that mean the FCS will be the M4 & M5. Now the WWII guys will get REALLY confused.....

Mr. Green

Which is why we use some good ol' general's names....but those old ones is gettin' used up (since the "Forrest" seems to be off the table)...lessee', maybe we can find a modern airborne general to name some stuff after...

Well lets look at others that came around about the same time

M548 (Cargo carrier version of M-113
M-577 (HQ version of M-113
M-578 (light ARV)
M-728 CEV
M-901 (Iterim TOW Vehicle)

Good point, Bob...so, how did we get up into that range anyway? I mean, is (was) there any convention for establishing these things or does some project officer just pull them out of......the air?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:58 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Doug_Kibbey
- Dontos
- bsmart
- JeffStringer
Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! roll
Because the 'marketeers' got into it. The M-1 Tank, M-2 IFV, M-3 CFV were supposed to be the first of a new generation of armored vehicles and therefor the counter was reset. It's easier to hype it up when it is an easy to remember number.

...Does that mean the FCS will be the M4 & M5. Now the WWII guys will get REALLY confused.....

Mr. Green

Which is why we use some good ol' general's names....but those old ones is gettin' used up (since the "Forrest" seems to be off the table)...lessee', maybe we can find a modern airborne general to name some stuff after...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:57 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Dontos
- bsmart
- JeffStringer
Yeah ... and why was the Abrams called an M1? It easily could have had another numerical assignment instead! roll
Because the 'marketeers' got into it. The M-1 Tank, M-2 IFV, M-3 CFV were supposed to be the first of a new generation of armored vehicles and therefor the counter was reset. It's easier to hype it up when it is an easy to remember number.

...Does that mean the FCS will be the M4 & M5. Now the WWII guys will get REALLY confused.....

Mr. Green

Actually The M-4 is a 'Command and Contol Vehicle (C2V) I think based on the Bradley platform

XM-7 FIST ( FIre Support Vehicle) based on the Bradley

XM-8 - The AGS

M-9 -ACE (Armored Combat Earthmover)

So you are at least up to the M-10

Bob Smart (bsmart@xecu.net)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:00 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Doug_Kibbey
...which makes me wonder how the Sheridan got such a stratospheric model number for an assault vehicle. M551? How the heck did that happen? Where do some of those numbers come from?

Its the result of several different numbering systems over time under differing organizations:

Before 1962, the Office, Chief of Ordnance was in charge of procuring most vehicles and the numbering system. Originally, there was a model-year numbering system (ie M1917), that lasted until about 1925. Starting about 1928, there was a more basic model numbering system. But there was (originally) one series for light tanks (ie M1, M2, & M3), one for medium and heavy tanks (M2, M3 and M4). These merged about 1942 with the M5 Stuart numbered after the M4 Sherman, as well as other armored cars like the M8 - so you had one model numbering series for most combat vehicles. However, these were still numbered seperately from the gun, howitzer & mortar motor carriage series (M3 through M44)...

Starting in about 1952, a new more "unified" model numbering series was introduced (starting with the XM45 flamethrower tank and going through the M270 MLRS) - with almost all combat vehicles.

However, prior to '58 or so, all support vehicles (ie trucks, etc) were also numbered seperately... Before '52, most trucks were procured by the Quartermaster Corps under a totally different non model-numbering system (CCKW, etc).

So prior to '58, you had multiple different vehicles with the same model number, such as M2 light tank/combat car, M2 medium tank, M2 high speed tractor, M2 scout car, etc.

Starting about 1958, all vehicles - combat vehicles, support vehicles, etc - were numbered in a truly unified numbering scheme. However, with all the trucks, etc - that quickly ran the numbers up. So you had the M551 Sheridan, M577 Command Post Carrier, etc. The Army was well on this path through the 1960s & 1970s - with the XM800 ARSV, XM803 Main Battle Tank. Originally, the Abrams was to be the M815!

However, starting in the late 70s, early 80s, somebody got the bright idea to restart the numbering - M1 Abrams, M2 & M3 Bradley, XM4 C2V, XM5 Ground Based Sensor Carrier, M6 Bradley Linebacker, M7 Fire Support Vehicle, M8 AGS, M9 ACE...

That simple enough for you?

I actually have a pretty good list of all of these, but would need some time to post it...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:09 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

That's exactly what I was looking for, Neil...Thanks! I was mainly wondering how we went from M47-48-60 to M551 at about the same time...big jump. Now it makes more sense.

Yeah, if you've got an "expanded version" (and don't have to type it all), that'd be welcome too!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:30 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Doug_Kibbey
That's exactly what I was looking for, Neil...Thanks! I was mainly wondering how we went from M47-48-60 to M551 at about the same time...big jump. Now it makes more sense.

Yeah, if you've got an "expanded version" (and don't have to type it all), that'd be welcome too!

This might be the list Neil has. I think he posted it on the old group

M - S E R I E S V E H I C L E S

ACRONYMS: chas = chassis S-P = self-propelled

f-t = full-track whbs = wheelbase

M1 Tank, main battle, full-track, 105mm gun, 58-ton, (Abrams)
M1A1 Tank, main battle, full-track, 120mm gun, 58-ton
M1A2 Tank, main battle, full-track, 120mm gun w/2nd gun site for TC
M2 Carrier, Infantry, f-t, armored, 25mm chain-gun, 21 1/2-ton
M2A1 Carrier, Infantry, f-t, armored, 25mm chain-gun, 21 1/2-ton
M3 Carrier, Infantry, f-t, armored, (Bradley)
M3A1 Carrier, Infantry, full-track, armored
M4 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 18-ton
M4A1 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 18-ton
M4A1C Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 18-ton
M4A2 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 18-ton
M4C Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 18-ton
M5 Bulldozer, earthmoving, mounted on M8A2 tractor
M5 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 13-ton
M5A1 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 13-ton
M5A2 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 13-ton
M5A3 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 13-ton
M5A4 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 13-ton
M6 Bulldozer, earthmoving, tank mounting on the M47
M6 Tractor, full-track, high-speed, 38-ton
M7 Tractor, snow, search & rescue, half-track, (Allis Chalmers)
M7 Trailer, cargo, generator, 2-ton, 2-wheeled
M8 Bulldozer, earthmoving, tank mounting on the M48
M8 Tractor, full-track, high-speed
M8A1 Bulldozer, earthmoving, tank mounting on the M48
M8A1 Tractor, full-track, high-speed
M8A2 Tractor, full-track, high-speed
M9 Bulldozer, earthmoving, tank mounting on the M60
M10 Trailer, ammunition, 2-ton, 2-wheeled
M10 Tank, destroyer, full-track, diesel, (M4A2 hull)
M10A1 Tank, destroyer, full-tract, gas, (M4A3 hull)
M11 Carrier, personnel, bull dozer, armoured
M15 Semitrailer, tank transport, 45-ton, 8X8
M15A1 Semitrailer, tank transport, 45-ton, 8X8
M15A2 Semitrailer, tank transport, 50-ton, 8-wheeled
M18 Trailer, cargo, generator, 2-ton, 2-wheel
M18 Carriage, self-propelled, full-track, 76mm
M19 Carriage, S-P, antiaircraft, twin 40mm, (M24 chas)
M19A1 Carriage, S-P, antiaircraft, twin 40mm, f-t, 18-ton
M19A2 Carriage, S-P, antiaircraft, automatic 75mm, f-t, 18-ton
M21 Carriage, S-P, mortar, 81mm, full track, 18-ton
M21 Trailer, ammunition, 4-ton, 2-wheeled
M23 Trailer, ammunition, 8-ton, 4-wheeled
M24 Tank, light, full-track, 75mm, (Chaffee)
M26 Tank, medium, full-track, 47ton, 90mm
M26A1 Truck, tractor, 12-ton
M26A2 Truck, tractor, 12-ton
M26E1 Tank, medium, full-track, 47-ton, 90mm
M26E2 Tank, medium, full-track, 48.5-ton, 90mm
M28 Carrier, light cargo, full-track, 1260 lbs
M29 Carrier, cargo, full-track, 1/2-ton (Weasel)
M29 Carrier, wire layer, full-track, 1/2-ton
M29C Carrier, cargo, full-track, 1/2-ton, amphibious
M29C Carrier, cargo, full-track, 1/2-ton, 105mm Rifle, recoilless
M31 Truck, Honest John, rocket projector, 762mm, 5-ton, 6X6
M31 Tank, prime mover, medium, full-track, 31-ton
M32 Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track, (M4 Sherman)
M32A1 Recovery vehicle, medium, 16 1/2 inch full-track
M32A1B1 Recovery vehicle, medium, 23 3/4 inch full-track (M4A1 chas)
M32A1B2 Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track
M32A1B3 Recovery vehicle, medium, full-track
M32B1 Recovery vehicle, medium, crane & a-frame, f-t, (M4A1 chas)
M32B2 Recovery vehicle, medium, 16 1/2 inch track, (M4A4 chas)
M33 Tank, prime mover, medium, full-track, 31-ton
M34 Tank, prime mover, medium, full-track, 31-ton, (M32B1 convert)
M34 Truck, cargo, long whbs, 11.00X20" 6ea, 6X6 (M44 chas)
M35 Tank, prime mover, turret removed, full-track, (M10A1 hull)
M35 Truck, cargo, std whbs, REO OA331 gas, 9.00X20 tires, 10ea
M35A1 Truck, cargo, std whbs, LDS-427 multifuel, (M45A1 chas)
M35A2 Truck, cargo, std whbs, LDT-465 multifuel, (M45A2 chas)
M35A2C Truck, cargo, std whbs, drop-side, 9.00X20", 10ea, (M45A2 chas)
M35A3 Truck, cargo, AM General rebuild of 3 scrapped trucks into 2 new
M35C Truck, cargo, std whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M35D Truck, cargo, std whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M36 Launcher-loader, Nike-Hercules, semimoble
M36 Tank, motor carriage, full-track, 32-ton, heavy turret, 90mm
M36 Truck, cargo, x-long whbs, REO OA331 gas, drop side, 2 1/2-ton
M36A1 Truck, cargo, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9.00X20 tires 10ea
M36A2 Truck, cargo, x-long whbs, LDS-465 multifuel, drop side, (M46A2)
M36A2C Truck, cargo, x-long whbs, NSN 2320-01-383-2048
M36B1 Tank, medium, full-track, 32-ton, 90mm, (M4A3 chassis)
M36B2 Tank, sloped-in turret, medium, full-track, 32-ton, 90mm
M36C Truck, cargo, missile battery, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, w/winch
M37 Truck, cargo, 3/4-ton, 4X4, (1951-55)
M37B1 Truck, cargo, 3/4-ton, 4X4, (1958-68)
M38 Tank, light, 75mm, 6X6
M38 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M38A1 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M38A1C Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M39 Truck, , 5-ton, 6X6
M39 Vehicle, armored utility, full-track, converted M-18
M40 Carriage, self-propelled, full-track
M41 Tank, combat, light, f-t, 25.5-ton, 76mm, (Walker Bulldog)
M41 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, 6X6
M41A1 Tank, combat, light, pintled mounted mg, full-track, 76mm
M41A2 Tank, combat, light, new turret traverse, full-track, 76mm
M41A3 Tank, combat, light, fuel injection engine, full-track, 76mm
M42 Trailer, platform, 20mm automatic gun, 2-wheeled
M42 Truck, command, map light/desk, lg tailgate, lg alternator, 3/4-ton
M42 Truck, BN command, full commo, US/CANADA service, 4X4
M42 Carriage, self-propelled, antiaircraft, twin 40mm, 25-ton, (Duster)
M42A1 Carriage, self-propelled, antiaircraft, twin 40mm, f-t, 25-ton
M42A2 Carriage, self-propelled, antiaircraft, twin 40mm, f-t, 25-ton
M43 Truck, ambulance, 3/4-ton, 4X4
M43B1 Truck, ambulance, 3/4-ton, 4X4
M44 Howitzer, medium, self-propelled, f-t, 155mm, (M41 chas)
M44 Truck, bolster, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-ton, 11:00 X 20 tires 6ea
M44A1 Howitzer, medium, S-P, diesel engine, full-track, 155mm
M44A1 Chassis, truck, LDS-427 mutilfuel, 2 1/2-ton, 11:00 X 20 6ea
M44A2 Chassis, truck, LDT-465 multifuel, 6X6, 11:00 X 20 6ea
M44C Chassis, truck, LDT-465 multifuel, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6 6ea
M45 Chassis, truck, REO AO331, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20 10ea
M45A1 Chassis, truck, LDS-427, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9.00 X 20 10ea
M45A2 Chassis, truck, LDT-465, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20 10ea
M45A2G Chassis, truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10 ea
M45C Chassis, truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M45D Chassis, truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M45F Chassis, truck, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M45G Chassis, truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10 ea
M46 Tank, combat, medium, full-track, 90mm, 48.5-ton, (Patton)
M46 Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 6X6, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M46A1 Tank, combat, medium, slope side turret, f-t, 90mm, 48.5-ton
M46A1 Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M46A1C Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M46A2 Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M46A2C Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 9:00 X 20, 10ea
M46C Chassis, truck, x-long whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 9:00 X 20, 10 ea
M46E1 Tank, combat, medium, .30 cal mg fender kit, full-track, 90mm
M47 Truck, dump, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-tons, 6X6, (M57 chas)
M47 Tank, combat, M46 w/T42 turret, full-track, 90mm, 48.5-ton
M48 Tank, combat, full-tracked, 90mm, 49-ton, (Pershing, 1951)
M48 Truck, tractor, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M48A1 Tank, combat, gun stabilized in elevation and aximuth, 90mm
M48A1E1 Tank, combat, full-track, British 105mm, (M48A1 chas)
M48A1E2 Tank, combat, full-track, desiel engine, 90mm
M48A2 Tank, combat, f-t, fuel injection engine, 90mm, 50.75-ton, (1956)
M48A2C Tank, combat, improved fire control, full-track, 90mm
M48A2E1 Tank, combat, multi-fuel engine, full-track, 90mm, (1959)
M48A3 Tank, combat, production version of M48A1E2, 90mm, (1960)
M48A4 Tank, combat, f-t, M60 turret, 105mm, (M48E3 chas), (1965)
M48C Tank, mild steel, 'C' for condemned embossed into right front hull
M48E1 Tank, first w/British gun, full-tracked, 105mm
M48E2 Tank, prototype of M48A2
M49 Carrier, cargo/troop, amphibious, full-track, (Otter)
M49 Truck, tank, gasoline, 1,200 gal, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M49A1 Truck, tank, gasoline, 1,200 gal, LDS-427 multifuel
M49A1C Truck, tank, gasoline, 1,200 gal, LDT-465 multifuel, w/winch
M49A2 Truck, tank, gasoline, 1,200 gal, LDT-465 multifuel
M49C Truck, tank, gasoline, 1,200 gal, w/aviation gas segregator kit
M50 Truck, tank, water, 1,000 gal, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-ton
M50 Truck, Honest John improved, rocket launcher, 762mm
M50 Recoiless Rifle, self-propelled, f-t, 106mm X 6, 30mph, (Ontos)
M50A1 Recoiless Rifle, self-propelled, improved engine, f-t, (1965)
M50A1 Truck, tank, water, 1,000 gal, LDS-427 multifuel, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M50A2 Truck, tank, water, 1,000 gal, LDT-465 multifuel, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M50A3 Truck, tank, water, 1,000 gal, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M51 Recovery vehicle, full-track, heavy, 60-ton, 30 mph, 200 mi range
M51 Truck, dump, Continental R6602 gas, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chas)
M51A1 Truck, dump, ENDT-673 mack engine, 5-ton, 6X6
M51A2 Truck, dump, ENT-465 multi-fuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M52 Truck, tractor, Continental R6602 gas, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chas)
M52A1 Truck, tractor, ENDT-673 mack engine, 5-ton, 6X6
M52A2 Truck, tractor, ENT-465 multi-fuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M52 Howitzer, self-propelled, light, full-track, 105mm, (M41 chas)
M52A1 Howitzer, self-propelled, improved, light, full-track, 105mm
M52A1 Truck, tractor, LDS-427 multifuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M52A2 Truck, tractor, LDT-465 multifuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M53 Carriage, SP, field artillary, 155mm (Long Tom), 48-ton
M54 Carriage, self-propelled, field artillery, 105mm
M54 Truck, cargo, Continental R6602 gas, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chas)
M54A1 Truck, cargo, Mack ENDT-673 diesel, 5-ton, 6X6
M54A2 Truck, cargo, Continental LDS-465 multifuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M54A2C Truck, cargo, dropside, 5-ton, 6X6
M55 Howitzer, SP, heavy, 8-in, full-tracked, 30mph, (1952)
M55 Truck, cargo, LWB, R6602 gas, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chas)
M55A1 Truck, cargo, LWB, ENDT-673 diesel, 5-ton, 6X6
M55A2 Truck, cargo, LWB, LDS-465 multifuel, 5-ton, 6X6
M56 Gun, SP, anti-tank, experimental, .50 cal X 4, (1955)
M56 Gun, SP, anti-tank, full-track, 90mm, (Scorpion), (1956)
M56 Gun, SP, anti-tank, modified, 106mm recoilless, (1958)
M56C Truck, w/CMU-3 compressor, heavy, 3/4-ton, 4X4
M57 Chassis, truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M58 Chassis, truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M59 Truck, dump, REO AO331 gas, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M58 chas)
M59 Carrier, armored personnel, full-track, 20-ton, (1955)
M59A1 Carrier, armored personnel, machine gun cupola, f-t, 20-ton
M60 Truck, wrecker, light, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M35 chas)
M60 Tank, combat, full-track, 105mm
M60A1 Tank, combat, f-t, 105mm, (M60E1 improved), (1968)
M60A1E1 Tank, combat, f-t, Zenon I/R, Shillelagh new turret, (1965)
M60A1E2 Tank, combat, f-t, stabilized Shillelagh, 152mm, 30mph
M60A1E3 Tank, (problems w/Shillelagh), British gun, 105mm, (1969)
M60A1E4 Tank, experimental, f-t, remote controlled 20mm, 105mm
M60A2 Tank, experimental, f-t, remote controlled 20mm, 105mm, (1970)
M60A3 Tank, combat, full-track, laser RF, 900 HP engine, 105mm
M60E1 Tank, combat, full-track, British gun, 105mm
M60E2 Tank, combat, full-track, Shillelagh, 152mm, remote 20mm
M62 Truck, wrecker, medium, diesel, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chas)
M63 Truck, medium, 5-ton, 6X6
M64 Truck, cargo, van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M41 chassis)
M65 Gun, heavy, f-t, motorized, 280mm
M66 Tank, combat, full-track, Zenon I/R, Shillelagh, 152mm,
M67 Tank, combat, f-t, flamethrower, range 200m, (M48A1 chas)
M67A1 Tank, combat, f-t, flamethrower, fuel capacity 378 gal, (1961)
M67A2 Tank, combat, full-track, flamethrower, (M48A3 chas)
M70 Reserved for German/American MBT-70
M74 Recovery vehicle, medium, f-t, (M4A3E8 chas), (1952)
M75 Carrier, armored personnel, medium, full-track
M76 Carrier, cargo, amphibious, full-track, 1 1/4-ton (Otter)
M78 Launcher, guided missile, zero length, (HAWK Missile)
M84 Mortar, self-propelled, full-track, 4.2-inch, (1956)
M85 Tractor, artillery towing, full-track, 23-ton
M88 Recovery vehicle, medium tanks, f-t, 55-ton, (M48A2 components)
M88E1 Recovery vehicle, improved, medium, f-t, 55-ton, diesel engine
M91 Truck, rocket launcher, 45-tube forward-fire, 2 1/2-ton, (1962)
M100 Trailer, cargo, amphibious, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (1951)
M101 Trailer, cargo, 3/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M101A1 Trailer, cargo, 3/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M102 Vehicle, engineer armored, front mount crane, (M47 chas), (1955)
M102 Chassis, trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled, (used on M104 & M106)
M102A1 Chassis, trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-w, (used on M104A1 & M106A1)
M102A2 Chassis, trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-w, (used on M104A2 & M106A2)
M103 Chassis, trailer, 1 1/2-ton, 2-w, (used on M105 & M107)
M103 Tank, combat, full-track, 120mm, 60-ton
M103A1 Trailer, cargo, 2-wheeled
M103A1 Tank, combat, f-t, gun w/bore evacutator, 120mm, 63-ton
M103A1E1 Tank, experimental, f-t, M60 engine, transmission, fire control
M103A2 Trailer, generator, 60-cycle X 2, 2-wheeled
M104 Howitzer, self-propelled, full-track, 105mm, 2.5-ton, (1961)
M104 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M104A1 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M104A2 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M105 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M105A1 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M105A2 Trailer, cargo, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled, NSN 2330-141-8050
M106 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M106 Mortar, self-propelled, full-track, 4.2-inch
M106A1 Mortar, self-propelled, improved, diesel engine, f-t, 4.2-inch
M106A1 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M106A2 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M107 Field artillery, self-propelled, f-t, 175mm, air-transportable
M107 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M107A1 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M107A2 Trailer, water tank, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M107E1 Field artillery, S-P, f-t, improved cooling, hydraulic, 175mm
M108 Howitzer, self-propelled, light, 105mm, range 15,000m
M108 Truck, radio repair, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M108 Truck, wrecker, light, w/crane, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M109 Truck, shop van, REO OA331 gas, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M109 Howitzer, S-P, full-track, 155mm, range 18,500m, (1962)
M109A1 Howitzer, SP, medium, f-t, 8-ft longer barrel, 155mm
M109A1 Truck, shop van, LDS-427 multifuel, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M109A2 Truck, shop van, LDT-465 multifuel, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M109A3 Truck, shop van, LDT-465, multifuel,2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M109G Howitzer, S-P, horizontal sliding breech, (export to Switzerland)
M110 Howitzer, S-P, heavy, f-t, 8-inch, nuclear ammo, (1961)
M110E1 Howitzer, S-P, improved engine cooling, hydraulic, 8-inch
M110E2 Howitzer, self-propelled, extended tube, 8-inch
M113 Carrier, personnel, full-track, armored, 40mph, range 300 mi
M113A1 Carrier, personnel, diesel engine, full-track, armored, (1962)
M113C Carrier, prototype, smaller version, remote controlled gun, 20mm
M113C+R Carrier, export, sold to Netherlands, (1965)
M113C+R Carrier, export, sold to Canada, (1969)
M113E1 Carrier, personnel, GE gas turbine engine, f-t, armored
M113E2 Carrier, personnel, diesel engine, full-track, armored
M114 Trailer, low bed, 3 1/2-ton, 4-wheeled,
M114 Carrier, command and reconn, f-t, armored, air-droppable, (1962)
M114A1 Carrier, command and reconn, f-t, armored, side skirts eliminated,
remoted-controled M2HB cupola, .50 cal
M114A1 Carrier, reconn, f-t, remote HS 120 gun, 20mm, (1968)
M114A1 Carrier, reconn, f-t, new engine, transmission, torsion, (1973)
M114A1E1 Carrier, reconn, f-t, HS 820 gun, 20mm, (1965)
M114A2 Carrier, reconn, f-t, modified gun cupola, 20mm. (1956)
M115 Chassis, trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (used on M100, M367)
M116 Carrier, cargo, f-t, soft skin, amphibious
M116 Carrier, personnel, full-track, steel armour not aluminium
M116 Chassis, trailer, 3/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (used on M101)
M117 Chassis, semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-w, (used on M118, M119, M508)
M117 Basic chassis for M118 and M119 semitrailers
M117A1 Chassis, semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-w, (used on M118A1, M119A1)
M118 Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheeled, stake
M118A1 Semitrailer, 6-ton, 2-wheeled, stake
M119 Semitrailer, van, cargo, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M119A1 Semitrailer, van, cargo, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M123 Truck, tractor, LeRoi gas V8, 10-ton, 6X6
M123A1 Truck, tractor, cummie V8 diesel, 10-ton, 6X6
M123A1C Truck, tractor w/crane, 36,000lb lift, diesel, 10-ton, 6X6
M124 Truck, radio repair shop, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M125 Truck, cargo, 10-ton, 6X6
M125 Carrier, self-propelled, full-track, mortar, 81mm
M125A1 Carrier, self-propelled, diesel engine, full-track, mortar, 81mm
M126 Chassis, semitrailer, 12-ton, 4-w, (used on M127, M128, M129)
M127 Chassis, semitrailer, stake, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M127A1 Chassis, semitrailer, stake, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M127A1C Semitrailer, stake, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M127A2C Semitrailer, stake, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M128 Semitrailer, van, cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M128A1 Semitrailer, van, cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M128A2C Semitrailer, van, cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M129 Semitrailer, van, supply, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A1 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A1C Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A2 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 5,000 gal, 4-wheeled
M131A2C Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 5,000 gal, 4-wheeled
M131A3 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A3C Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A4 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A4C Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A5 Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M131A5C Semitrailer, tank, gasoline, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M132 Truck, medical van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M45 chas)
M132 Flame thrower, self-propelled, full-track, (M113 chas)
M132A1 Flame thrower, SP, f-t, range 170m, (M113A1 chas)
M132E1 Flame thrower, self-propelled, full-track, 11 3/4-ton
M133 Chassis, truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M135 Truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M139 Truck, bolster, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M139 Chassis, truck, 5-ton, Honest John and bridging versions
M143 Trailer, bomb-transport, 2-ton, 4-wheeled
M143A1 Trailer, bomb-transport, 2-ton, 4-wheeled
M146 Semitrailer, van, shop, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M146C Semitrailer, van, shop, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M147 Truck, amphibious, 5-ton, water speed 7mph
M149 Trailer, tank, water, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M149A1 Trailer, tank, water, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M149E2 Trailer, tank, water, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M151 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4, 65 mph
M151A1 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4, (1963)
M151A1AC Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, with M40A1 Recoilless rifle, 106mm
M151A2 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4, (1970)
M152 Truck, ambulance, 3/4-ton, 4X4, (Canadian Army M43)
M162 Semitrailer, construction equipment, 60-ton, 6-wheeled
M162 Carrier, self-propelled, Vulcan gun, f-t, armored, (M113A1)
M163 Carrier, self-propelled, Vulcan gun, f-t, armored, (M113)
M164 Semitrailer, van, office, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M170 Truck, ambulance, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M172 Semitrailer, low-bed, 15-ton, 4-wheeled
M172A1 Semitrailer, heavy equipment, 25-ton, 4-wheel
M185 Truck, repair shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M45 chas)
M185A3 Truck, repair shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M195E1 Howitzer, self-propelled, full-track, 105mm
M196 Dolly, trailer, converter, 4-ton, 2-wheel
M197 Dolly, trailer, converter, 6-ton, 2-w, (6-ton semitrailers)
M197A1 Dolly, trailer, converter, 6-ton, 2-wheel
M198 Dolly, trailer, converter, 6-ton, 2-w, (12-ton semitrailers)
M199 Dolly, trailer, converter, 18-ton, 4-w, (larger semitrailers)
M200 Chassis, trailer, generator, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M200A1 Chassis, trailer, generator, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M207 Chassis, truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M211 Truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, dual wheel
M215 Truck, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M216 Truck, tank, fuel serving, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M217 Truck, tank, fuel serving, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M217C Truck, tank, fuel serving, w/aviation gas segregator kit
M220 Truck, shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M220C Truck, shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M220D Truck, shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M221 Truck, tractor, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M222 Truck, water tank, 1,000 gal, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M242 Trailer, van, NIKE fire control mount, 3-ton, 4-wheeled
M243 Trailer, flat-bed, NIKE fire control/acquisition radar, 2-ton, 4-w
M244 Trailer, van, NIKE fire control, 2-ton, 4-wheeled
M246 Truck, tractor, wreaker, 5-ton, 6X6, (M51 series, M41 chas)
M246A1 Truck, tractor, wreaker, 5-ton, 6X6, (M51 series, M41 chas)
M246A2 Truck, tractor, wreaker, 5-ton, 6X6, (M51 series, M41 chas)
M248 Trailer mounted, NIKE tracking station
M249 Truck, gun-lifting, heavy, transport 280mm M58 gun, M30 Carriage
M250 Truck, gun-lifting, heavy
M258 Trailer, van, NIKE radar-tracking
M258A1 Trailer, van, NIKE radar-tracking, 4-dual wheels
M259 Trailer, van, Nike-Hercules director station
M259A1 Trailer, van, Nike-Hercules director station, 4-dual wheels
M260 Trailer, low-bed, NIKE antennae mounted
M261 Trailer, flat-bed, NIKE guided missile, 4-dual wheels
M261A1 Trailer, flat-bed, NIKE guided missile, 4-dual wheels
M262 Trailer, flat-bed, NIKE launching congtrol, 4-dual wheels
M267 Chassis, trailer, generator, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M268 Truck, propellant servicing, 5-ton, 6X6
M269 Semitrailer, cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M270 Multiple launch rocket system (MLRS)
M270 Semitrailer, low-bed, wreaker, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M270A1 Semitrailer, low-bed, wreaker, 12-ton, 4-wheeled
M271 Trailer, bolster, pole handling, 3 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M271A1 Trailer, bolster, pole handling, 3 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M274 Carrier, light wpns, Infantry, 4-cylinder Willys, 1/2-ton, (1956)
M274A1 Carrier, light wpns, Infantry, 106mm platform, 1/2-ton, 25mph
M274A2 Truck, platform, utility, magnesium frame, 1/2-ton, 4X4
M274A3 Truck, platform, utility, 2-cylinder 2AO42, M274 upgrade
M274A4 Truck, platform, utility, 2-cylinder 2AO42, M274A1 upgrade
M274A5 Truck, platform, utility, aluminum frame replacing magnesium
M275 Truck, tractor, short whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M45 chas)
M275A1 Truck, tractor, short whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M45 chas)
M275A2 Truck, tractor, short whbs, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M45 chas)
M283 Truck, cargo, export, long whbs, 3/4-ton, 4X4, (LWB M37)
M291 Truck, van, expandable, 5-ton, 6X6, (M51 series, M41 chas)
M291A3 Truck, van, expandable, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-077-1642
M292 Truck, shop, van, extendable sides, (M45 chassis)
M292A1 Truck, shop, van, extendable, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M292A2 Truck, shop, van, extendable, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M292A5 Truck, shop, van, extendible, NSN 2320-00-699-3746
M295 Chassis, semitrailer, 6-ton, 4-wheeled, (used on M313, M447)
M296 Trailer, utility, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M304 Electrical shop, trailer mounted
M308 Semitrailer, tank, water, 1,000 gal, 4-wheeled
M310 Trailer, cable reel, 3 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled, (aka K37-B)
M313 Semitrailer, van, expandable, 4-wheeled
M323 Semitrailer, van, tracking station
M324 Trailer, van, Doppler station van
M328 Truck, stake, bridging, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M51 series, M41 chas)
M328A1 Truck, state, bridging, NSN 2320-00-880-4652
M332 Trailer, ammunition, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M342 Truck, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M35A2 chassis)
M342A2 Truck, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, w/winch, (M45A2 chassis)
M345 Trailer, flat-bed, 10-ton, 4-wheeled
M347 Semitrailer, refrigeration, 15-ton, 4-wheeled
M348 Truck, cargo, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M348 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 3-wheeled
M348A1 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M348A2 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M348A2C Semitrailer, van, electric, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M348A2D Semitrailer, van, electric, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M248A2F Semitrailer, van, electric, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M348A2G Semitrailer, van, electric, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M349 Semitrailer, van, refrigeration, 7 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M349A1 Semitrailer, van, refrigeration, 7 1/2-ton, 2-wheeled
M353 Trailer, chassis, GP, 3 1/2-ton, 2-w, NSN 2330-00-542-2831
M354 Dolly, trailer converter, 18-ton, 4-wheeled
M359 Semitrailer, van, electric shop, 2 1/2-ton, 4-wheeled
M363 Dolly, trailer converter, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M364 Dolly, trailer converter, 6-ton, 2-wheeled
M365 Dolly, trailer converter, 10-ton, 2-wheeled
M367 Trailer, maintenance, cable-splicer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M373 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M373A1 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M373A2 Semitrailer, van, electric, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M382 Trailer, van, electrical shop, 6-ton, 4-wheeled
M383 Trailer, van, electrical shop, 6-ton, 4-wheeled
M386 Truck, Honest John Rocket, 762mm, short launch rail, 5-ton
M388 Semitrailer, tank, 3,000 gal, 2-wheeled
M389 Trailer, w/missle test body kit, 1-ton, 2-wheeled
M390 Chassis, trailer, 2-ton, 2-wheeled, (used w/HAWK system)
M390C Chassis, trailer, 2-ton, 2-wheeled, NSN 2330-00-542-3491
M393 Semitrailer, van, dental clinic, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M394 Semitrailer, van, medical, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M395 Semitrailer, van, medical, 3-ton, 2-wheeled
M405 Trailer, handling unit, Honest John rocket, 276mm
M406 Trailer, radar, NIKE system
M416 Trailer, cargo, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (1962)
M416A1 Trailer, cargo, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (1976)
M416B1 Trailer, cargo, 1/4-ton, 2-wheeled
M422 Truck, utility, lightweight, 1/4-ton, 4X4, (Mighty Mite)
M422A1 Truck, utility, 6 inch longer, 1/4-ton, 4X4, (1962)
M424 Trailer, guided missle director, NIKE system
M428 Trailer, tracking station, NIKE system
M429 Trailer, dolly, front, (used on 3-ton, 4-wheel trailers)
M430 Trailer, dolly, rear, (used on 3-ton, 4-wheel trailers)
M431 Trailer, dolly, rear, (used on 3-ton, 4-wheel trailers)
M432 Trailer, dolly, rear, (used on 3-ton, 4-wheel trailers)
M447 Semitrailer, van, shop, folding sides, 6-ton, 4-wheel
M448 Trailer, van, shop, folding sides, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M454 Chassis, trailer, AN/MPQ-4 radar, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M457 Semitrailer, maintenance, weapon, mechanical, 6-ton, 4-w
M458 Semitrailer, maintenance, weapon, electrical, 6-ton, 4-w
M459 Semitrailer, maintenance, weapon, connecting, (joins M557 & M558)
M508 Semitrailer, van, shop, 6-ton, 4-w, (used M456, M457, M458)
M512 Truck, shop van, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M513 Semitrailer, van, electrical, 6-ton, 2-wheel
M514 Trailer, chassis, 1-ton, 2-wheeled, NSN 2330-00-542-5753
M520E1 Carrier, cargo, full-track, 8-ton
M521A1 Howitzer, self-propelled, full-track, air transportable, 105mm
M523E2 Truck, tractor, 25-ton
M527 Semitrailer, low-bed, 6-ton, 4-wheel, SERGEANT system
M529 Trailer, low-bed, 1-ton, 4-wheel, NIKE system
M532 Trailer, laundry, 80lb capacity
M533 Trailer, bakery oven
M536 Chassis, trailer, laundry, 3 1/2-ton, 2-wheel,
M537 Chassis, trailer, bakery, oven, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M538 Chassis, trailer, bakery, dough mixing, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M543 Truck, wreaker, medium, 5-ton, 6X6, NSN 2320-00-445-0866
M543A1 Truck, wreaker, medium, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chassis)
M543A2 Truck, wreaker, medium, 5-ton, 6X6, (M41 chassis)
M548 Carrier, cargo, f-t, amphibious, 6-ton, (M113 powertrain)
M548A1 Carrier, cargo, full-track, 6-ton, (M113 powertrain)
M548E1 Recovery vehicle, with welder kit, full-track, 6-ton, (1968)
M551 Tank, airborne assault, f-t, 152mm gun or Shillelagh, (1962)
M553E1 Truck, wrecker, 10-ton, 6X6
M559E1 Tanker, 2,500 gal, 4-wheeled
M561 Truck, cargo, 1 1/2-ton, articulated 6X6, (Gama Goat)
M564 Trailer, van, electric, 10-ton, 4-wheel
M565 Dolly, trailer, electric shop, front
M566 Dolly, trailer, electric shop, rear
M569 Chassis, trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel
M577 Carrier, command post, light, full-track
M578 Recovery vehicle, light, f-t, remote-controlled mg, (1961)
M580 Chassis, trailer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel
M581 Trailer, van, electric, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M582 Trailer, van, electric, 2-ton, 4-wheel
M583 Trailer, van, electric, 2-ton, 4-wheel
M584 Dolly, trailer, front
M586 Semitrailer, tank, water, 2,000 gal, 2-wheel
M589 Dolly, trailer, electric shop, front
M600 Dolly, trailer, electric shop, rear
M601 Truck, Power Wagon, US/CANADA air force use, 1-ton, 4X4
M602 Truck, cargo, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M606 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4, modified CJ3B
M606A2 Truck, utility, 1/4-ton, 4X4, modified CJ5
M606A3 Truck, utility, radio, auxiliary 24v power supply, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M610 Truck, export, tank, water, 12v, vacumn brakes
M611C Truck, export, tank, fuel, 12v, Aviation gas sg kit
M614 Truck, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 4X4, w/winch
M615 Truck, ambulance, 1-ton, 4X4
M616 Chassis, truck, export, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M617 Chassis, truck, export, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M618 Chassis, truck, export, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M619 Chassis, truck, export, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M620 Chassis, truck, export, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M621 Truck, cargo, export to Norway, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, 11:00 X 20
M622 Truck, fuel tank, export to Norway, engine flame heater kit
M623 Truck, van, export to Norway, compressed air diff-lock on 3 axles
M624 Truck, dump, export to Norway, (details apply to all 4 trucks)
M625 Trailer, tank, water, 400 gal, 1 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M627 Semitrailer, tank transporter, jointed, 56 1/2-ton, 16 wheel
M656 Truck, cargo, air-transportable, floatable, 5-ton, 8X8
M667 Launcher-transporter, Lance Guided Missile, f-t, armor, (1964)
M674 Semitrailer, low-bed, 15-ton, 4-wheel, NIKE system
M681 Semitrailer, van, 15-ton, 4-wheel
M682 Semitrailer, van, 15-ton, 4-wheel
M683 Semitrailer, van, 15-ton, 4-wheel
M689 Dolly set, transport shelter, lifting, (contains M690 & M691
M690 Dolly, trailer, front
M691 Dolly, trailer, rear
M706 Car, armored, light, (V-100 Commando)
M709 Trailer, platform utility, stake, 3/4-ton
M715 Truck, cargo, troops, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M716 Trailer, cable splicer, 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, (based on M416 trailer)
M718 Truck, ambulance, front-line, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M718A1 Truck, ambulance, front-line, 1/4-ton, (1970)
M720 Dolly set, transport shelter, lift, 3-ton, NSN 2330-00-912-4251
M721 Dolly, trailer, front
M722 Dolly, trailer, rear
M724 Truck, cab and chassis, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M725 Truck, ambulance, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/o winch
M726 Truck, maintenance, 1 1/4-ton, NSN 2320-921-6379, w/winch
M728 Vehicle, combat engineer, full-track
M730 Carrier, SP, guided missle, Chaparrel, Sidewinder X 4
M732 Carrier, SP, Vulcan gun, f-t, armour, (M113A1 chassis)
M747 Semitrailer, low-bed, 60-ton
M748 Truck, bolster, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6, (M41 chassis)
M748A2 Truck, bolster, 2 1/2-ton, NSN 2320-00-930-0023
M749 Semitrailer, van, parts storage, 6-ton, 4-wheel
M750 Semitrailer, van, repair shop, 6-ton, 4-wheel
M751A2 Truck, bolster, 2 1/2-ton, 6X6
M756 Truck, maintenance, pipeline, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M756A2 Truck, maintenance, pipeline, NSN 2320-00-904-3277
M757 Truck, tractor, towing M48 tank, heavy, 5-ton, 8X8, (1969)
M762 Trailer, platform, 3/4-ton, 2-wheeled, (1970)
M763 Truck, maintenance TY-7, Cl-B, telephone, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M764 Truck, maintenance, earth-boring/pole setting, 1/4-ton
M784 Truck, dump, 2 1/2-ton, 4X4, w/winch
M785 Truck, bolster, 2 1/2-ton, 4X4, w/winch
M786 Truck, maintenance, pipeline construction, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M787 Truck, maintenance, telephone line, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M788 Truck, maintenance, earth-boring/pole setting, 1/4-ton, 4X4
M790 Semitrailer, erector/launcher, PERSHING missile system
M791 Truck, fire control unit, heavy, 5-ton, 8X8
M792 Truck, ambulance, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M794 Chassis, trailer, field laundry, 4-ton, 4-wheel
M795 Chassis, trailer, dough mixer, 4-ton, 4-wheel
M796 Trailer, utility, 2 1/2-ton, 2-wheel
M802 Trailer, electric shop, radar course direct central, PERSHING sys
M805 Dolly set, (used by M802)
M809 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, 6X6, NSN 2320-00-050-8841
M810 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, 6X6, NSN 2320-00-051-0585
M811 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, 6X6, NSN 2320-00-050-8985
M812 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, 6X6, NSN 2320-00-050-9011
M813 Truck, wreaker, 5-ton, medium w/5th wheel, diesel engine
M814 Truck, cargo, 5-ton, LWB, NSN 2320-00-050-8987
M815 Truck, bolster, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-050-8927
M816 Truck, wreaker, medium, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-051-0489
M817 Truck, dump, medium, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-051-0589
M818 Truck, tractor, medium, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-050-8978
M819 Truck, wreaker, medium w/5th wheel, diesel engine, 5-ton
M820 Truck, van, medium, expanable, NSN 2320-00-050-9006
M821 Truck, bridging, medium, 5-ton, NSN 2320-00-050-9015
M825 Truck, recoilless rifle, 106mm, 1/4-ton, 4X4, (1970)
M840 Dolly set, MUST hospital
M857 Semitrailer, tank, fuel, 5,000 gal, 4-wheel
M870 Semitrailer, low-bed, transporter, construction equipment, 42-ton
M871 Semitrailer, flat-bed, transporter, bulk container, 22 1/2-ton,
M872 Semitrailer, flat-bed, transporter, bulk container, 34-ton
M901 Launching station, semitrailer mounted, PATRIOT guided missle
M901 Carrier, Infantry, TOW sys, armor, (M113 chassis)
M901A1 Carrier, Infantry, armor
M901A2 Carrier, Infantry, armor
M901A3 Carrier, Infantry, Improved TOW Vehicle (ITN), (M113A1 chas)
M923 Truck, cargo, dropside, 250 diesel, 5-ton, 6X6, (M944 chas)
M924 Truck, cargo, Cummings 250 diesel, w/o winch, 2320-01-047-8773
M925 Truck, cargo, dropside, 250 diesel, w/winch, 2320-01-047-8769
M926 Truck, cargo, Cummings 250 diesel, 5-ton, 6X6
M927 Truck, cargo, LWB, w/o winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8771
M928 Truck, cargo, LWB, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8770
M929 Truck, dump, 5-ton, w/o winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8756
M930 Truck, dump, 5-ton, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8755
M931 Truck, tractor, 5-ton, w/o winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8753
M932 Truck, tractor, 5-ton, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8752
M933 Truck, tractor-wrecker, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8768
M934 Truck, van, expandable, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8750
M935 Truck, van, expandable, w/o winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8751
M936 Truck, wrecker, medium, w/winch, NSN 2320-01-047-8754
M939 Truck, cargo, medium, 5-ton, 6X6, (M944 chassis)
M939A1 Truck, cargo, medium, NSN 2320-01-205-2660
M939A2 Truck, cargo, medium, 5-ton, 6X6, 21,000 lbs towing
M944 Chassis, cargo, 5-ton
M944A2 Chassis, cargo, 5-ton, NSN 2320-01-230-0288
M966A1 Truck, missile carrier, TOW, armor, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/o winch
M967 Semitrailer, tank, fuel, 5,000 gal, 4-wheel
M969 Semitrailer, tank, fuel, 5,000 gal, 4-wheel
M970 Semitrailer, tank, fuel, 5,000 gal, 4-wheel
M977 Truck, heavy expanded mobility tactical truck, 8X8, (HEMTT)
M978 Truck, tank, fuel, 8X8
M981 Carrier, Infantry, armored, full-track, (M113 chassis), (FISTV)
M983 Truck, tractor, 8X8
M984 Truck, wreaker/recovery, 8X8
M984A1 Truck, wreaker/recovery, 8X8
M984E1 Truck, wreaker/recovery, 8X8
M985 Truck, cargo, 8X8
M985W1 Truck, cargo, 8X8
M996 Truck, ambulance, 1 1/2-ton, 4X4
M997A1 Truck, ambulance, 4-litter, armor, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M998A1 Truck, cargo, personnel, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/o winch
M1008 Truck, cargo, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, NSN 2320-01-123-6827
M1008A1 Truck, cargo, communications kit, 100amp/24v, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M1009 Truck, utility, 3/4-ton, 4X4, NSN 2320-01-123-2665
M1010 Truck, ambulance, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, NSN 2320-01-123-2666
M1015A1 Carrier, electronic warfare, full-track, 6-ton
M1025A1 Truck, armament carrier, armor, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/o winch
M1026A1 Truck, armament carrier, armor, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/winch
M1028 Truck, shelter carrier, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, NSN 2320-01-127-5077
M1028A1 Truck, shelter carrier, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, PTO capability
M1028A2 Truck, shelter carrier, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, PTO, dual rear wheels
M1028A3 Truck, shelter carrier, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, dual rear wheels
M1031 Truck, chassis, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, PTO capability
M1035 Truck, ambulance, 2-litter, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M1035A1 Truck, ambulance, 2-litter, soft-top, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M1038 Truck, cargo, personnel, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/winch
M1038A1 Truck, cargo, personnel, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4, w/o winch
M1043A1 Truck, armament carrier, supplemental armor, 4X4, w/o winch
M1044A1 Truck, armament carrier, supplemental armor, 4X4, w/winch
M1045A1 Truck, missile carrier, TOW, supplemental armor, 4X4, w/o winch
M1046A1 Truck, missile carrier, TOW, supplemental armor, 4X4, w/winch
M1097A1 Truck, HMMWV variant, heavy, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4
M1097A2 Truck, HMMWV, maintenance, heavy, 1 1/4-ton, 4X4

Bob Smart (bsmart@xecu.net)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:30 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

The high numbers like XM800, XM803...M728, M551, etc. was "in vogue" during the Sec Def McNamara's reign. Note that many armored vehicles didn't have the traditional name given to it. Only Armor branch kept the tradition going for its tanks. That M113 is screaming for a name Wink

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:35 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Sabot
That M113 is screaming for a name Wink

And out there in the wilderness, some lonely soul is screaming a "name", but thankfully, it's being drowned out by trees, distance, and reason....

Thanks, Bob....yep, I see the problem...'truck and trailer inflation"...that's what done it!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:24 pm
Post subject: Re: T-28 & T95

- Tumbleweed
I guess the Air Force did the same thing with their B-1 Bomber.
Actually the B-1 bomber is the result of the Joint Armed Forces aircraft numbering system that combined the Navy, Air Force and Army systems together in teh early '60s

The result being The navy FJ Fury series becoming the F-1
The Navy F2H Banshee becoming the F-2
The Navy F3H demon becoming the F-3
The Navy F4H Phantom and the Air force F-110 (*) becoming the F-4 Phantom.

* Quiz time what was the Air Forces name for the F-110?

The Air Force got the F-5 for the fighter version of the T-38

The Navy F7U Cutlass became the F-7
The Navy F8U Crusader became the F-8
The Navy F9F panther/Couger became the F-9

Extra quiz points for who can identify the Airplanes that became the F-6 and F-10.
The Navy F11F became the F-11
The Air force got the F-12 for the Blackbird (YF-12)
The F-13 was not assigned ( I don't know of a reason being given, there have been several theories)
Which bring us up to the F-14, F-15, F-16, YF-17, and F-18

F-19 is a question, There was speculation that it was the Stealth Fighter but that got a number in the old scheme.
F-20 was the Tigershark an outgroth of the F-5 (originally the F-5G)
F-21 was the IAI Kfir that was leased to the navy for an aggressor aircraft
F-22 Raptor

In Attack Aircraft

Navy AD Skyraider became the A-1
Navy A2J Savage became the A-2
Navy A3D Sky Warrier became the A-3
Navy A4D Skyhawk became the A-4
Navy A3J Vigalante became the A-5
Navy A2F Intruder became the A-6
The A-7 was a native in the new series but was initially a Navy design
The A-8 is interesting. I believe it was unassigned to reduce confusion with the AV-8 Harrier although the Harrier is technically in the V series
The YA-9 lost out to the A-10
A-10 Thuderbolt II (Warthog)
A-11 was not issued because of it's previous use with the Blackbird Airframe
A-12 was the Stealth replacement for the A-6 which was cancelled a while back.

That is the last A series which begs the question if they will assign an A-13 ever

The B series begins with the B-1. the navy didn't have any 'Bombers' and the last Air Force Bomber design was the XB-70 from the late 50s

The C series begins with

Navy C-1 Trader COD (Carrier onboard Delivery) plane. I would have to check if it had a previous designator or if it lived as a subseries of the S2F/S-2/E-1 family

C-2 Greyhound was a COD version of the E-2

I don't know what designs were the C-3 and C-4 (I'll check at home tonight f no one answers before then)

C-5 was the Galaxy
C-6 - another question
C-7 was the Army Caribou
C-8 I think was another Army plane (The DeHaviland Buffalo?)
C-9 was the Military DC-9 (convienent :-))
C-10 is the basic designator for the KC-10 Extender (Military version of the DC-10 :-))

There is a D series (drones) But I don't know them off the top of my head.

The Navy WF (Willy Fudd) became the E-1 Tracer
The Navy got the E-2 Hawkeye. I don't know if it started as the W2F or not. I can check tonight
Air Force got the E-3 AWACS
Not sure of the E-4 or E-5
E-6 is the Navy TACAMO (Take Charge And Move Out, I kid you not) Airborne ELF communications bird

So the B-1 is actually a logical member of a naming scheme 9although there are several in the series that are curious and the F-35 for the new JSF is a travesty)

Bob Smart (bsmart@xecu.net)
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